Frankie Jones |
So back in early 2020 (like, RIGHT when shit hit the fan), I was doing some research on Scatman John to see if any new live performances/ads/whatever has been discovered, and I came across
a page that John's wife made which discussed songs about stuttering. One of them of course being the song "Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop)", but another song mentioned being "Man in the Mirror" by Frankie Jones. This page included low quality (by today's standards, anyways) versions of these songs.
Upon hearing "Man in the Mirror", I became very intrigued. The lyrics were very well written, and the beat was very catchy even if a bit odd sounding. The songs beat sounds to have been made using some form of MIDI? I cant tell, but I honestly love how it sounds. The website mentioned an album that Frankie released with this song on it, "Rightfully Spoken", which had absolutely 0 uploads anywhere online. Just "Man in the Mirror", only because of the low quality version uploaded to the website, but the rest of the album was completely lost. I wound up finding a very cheap copy of the album on eBay and bought it instantly and gave it a listen a few days after it was delivered.
Upon first hearing it, my first thought was that this album is pretty lo-fi in its production, and pretty unique in its own way. The lyrics are VERY much from the heart throughout, I was impressed by that honestly. It isn't the greatest album ever made or anything, but I very much respect it. In terms of the beats, in a lot of the songs, they drag on a bit, but it isn't a bad listening experience or anything in my opinion. Very interesting listen overall.
So, here is "Rightfully Spoken" in its full glory, in lossless FLAC and MP3.