Monday, February 10, 2020

Scatman John - High Society Interview (German+English Translation)

Recently while browsing eBay for Scatman John related items, I came across a listing simply titled "High Society(D) 4/1996, Scatman John, Dara Rolins, Molo..." with the text cut off due to the fact that I paid for it in June 2019...I really need to get around to uploading more, wow. The only image on the listing was a magazine cover with a topless woman on it. I was super skeptical about this, and assumed the guy uploaded the wrong image, but I bit the bullet and bought the magazine anyways. To my surprise, the image uploaded to eBay was the correct one.

Scatman John's name wasn't featured on the front cover or the back cover, so I just assumed I got screwed out of 20-30 dollars. Not the biggest loss, but whatever. I decided to at least see if there was something related to Scatman John, and to my surprise, there was! An ENTIRE INTERVIEW with Scatman John in a damn porn magazine. Words cant describe how shocked I was at this being legitimate. Makes me wonder whether he knew this was for a porn magazine or not??? Like, did he just think it was funny? Or did they not tell him? Weird situation.

Regardless, this interview has never been uploaded online to my knowledge. The interview in question is in German, and I only speak English. I decided to ask if anyone in the Vitas discord server was willing to translate the interview for me, and a very nice person by the name of Maeva1702 messaged me saying they could translate it for me. So a very special thanks to Maeva1702 for translating this interview!

I will include the uncompressed versions of these images in a Google Drive link below.

EDIT 4/17/23: Was finally given some information about this, the interview here is taken from an interview with the German Stuttering Association, so he never conducted one for this magazine specifically. Still such a weird situation.

Here is page 4, detailing the interview
Page 1 (German)
Page 2 (German)
Page 3 (German)
Page 1 (English)
Page 2 (English) 

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