Friday, September 23, 2022

311 - Live at UNO Lakefront Arena at 3-11 Day 2004 (3/11/04), uncut audio. tagged and with album art (FLAC)

So, there's a DVD release of 311's "3-11 Day" show from 2004, and it's a REALLY well produced DVD. The main problem is, a lot of SA's turntable work is muted, and 4 songs were cut. Other things cut were slipups, and some stage banter and talking. For example, when P-Nut brings out an upright bass for "Seems Uncertain", Nick replies "what's that". That's really small and not really worth mentioning to be honest lol, but I personally prefer uncut live albums with EVERYTHING intact. I had no clue about this prior to seeing someone upload this uncut version to YouTube with a link to the raw files. This upload is those files but with tags and album artwork. I've included 2 album covers, both made using a scan of the DVD ran through Vector Magic and scaled to fit a standard album cover size.
 I DID NOT RECORD THIS AUDIO! I am not sure who did, but "Tony Moresi" uploaded it to, so special thanks to them!

Album Cover A

Album Cover B